
The 1 Club exists to connect the top 1% of leaders in their respective fields to make a positive impact.

This high calibre community has a core focus and value shaped around creating positive impact between members, within the community and amongst the wider world.

We are here to curate the top talent, minds and spirits of the world for the greater good and this document outlines the values we expect from our membership base. Despite the decentralised natured of our NFT Community, we are driven by creating the best and most exclusive experience for our membership basis so if we feel these values are not being adhered to, we will be forced to implement procedures to limit access to members, including banning access to The 1 Club private app, The 1 Portal, blacklisted from access to events and others.

Note, we can NEVER (even if we wanted to) repeal your ownership of the NFT/asset at any given time.


1. Collaboration 🤝

<aside> 💡 "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller


We understand the power of networking at The 1 Club and this is our core focus, so we will help to engender and encourage collaboration between members for commercial or social impact and we hope you would do the same.

2. Respect 🙏

<aside> 💡 “The true measure of a man is how he treats you when others are not looking.” - Alessandra Torre


Respect The 1 Club members, staff and community as a whole; treat the community like they are your family. This includes, in-person (events) as well as digitally through discord, social media and through the networking apps and platforms we offer - all the way to our corporate partners.

3. Confidentiality ✍️

<aside> 💡 “Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness.” - Edwin Louis Cole


Being a part of The 1 Club, there will be exciting collaborations, projects and interesting opportunities presented. Keep these confidential or subject to the consent and respectable approach of your fellow members.

4. Participation ✊

<aside> 💡 “Freedom is participation in power.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero


The 1 Club will endeavour to create experiences, connections and environments that you won’t forget. The only thing we ask from you, is that you take part. Invite others, learn more about Web3, attend events and network with others, and you will see the value of your entry several times over.

5. Ethics 🙌

<aside> 💡 “The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings.” - Albert Schweitzer
